Powerpoint-PPT to AVI and GIF Converter is a useful utility to convert Microsoft PowerPoint presentations into AVI and GIF formats, capturing sound and frames from those PPT documents.
The application transform the PowerPoint presentation to a movie AVI file, with the hability of recording narrations or vocal guides using a local microphone, so the users can prepare an MS PowerPoint presentation for creating a wizard or tutorial guide, add their own voice (or sound) and later on conver the document to an AVI movie that can be displayed all over, without the need of having MS Office PowerPoint installed.
Good features are: the sound recording, zoom on slides, automatic or custom recording (latency adjustment) and playing, recording formats ADPCM and PCM, support for AVI, Microsoft WMV, MPEG4 and AviX formats conversion, AVI settings for quality level, zoom and color resolution, seven different coders to choose (or no compression), etc., GIF settings for greyscale or 256 colors, quality and zoom options, etc.